Skiing (US)
Berliński zespół w którego skład wchodzi Everett Darling i rotująca się grupa przyjaciół, kochanków, rodziny, byłych przyjaciół, byłych kochanków, przyszłych kochanków itp… Treści które zawierają teksty Skiing to zdrowie psychiczne, książki i poezja, ciała niebieskie, filozofia, gejowska tożsamość, imigracja, ideologie polityczne, sporty uprawiane w weekend, śmierć, przeróżne przedmioty, miłość, i ostatnio: seks.
Skiing założyli najlepsi przyjaciele Dianna i Everett w październiku 2010 roku, jako ujście wzburzonych emocji i alternatywę dla bezdusznej sceny klubowej w Berlinie, niszczenia się w zadymionych barach, czy siedzenia w internecie i prześladowania znajomych w Stanach.
Zespół zyskiwał i tracił członków / przyjaciół, Dianna wróciła do Stanów, ale idea przetrwała, a jej owocem jest 5 wydawnictw i liczne koncerty w Berlinie i nie tylko…
A Berlin band consisting of Everett Darling and a rotating and dramatic cast of friends, lovers, family, ex-friends, ex-lovers, future-lovers, etc… Lyrics discuss sanity, books and poetry, celestial bodies, philosophy, gay identity, immigration, political ideologies, weekend sports, death, objects, love, and most recently sex.
Skiing was started by best friends Dianna and Everett in October 2010 as an outlet for our emotions, and what we saw as a rad alternative to Berlin’s soulless party scene, getting wasted at smokey bars, or sitting around on the internet cyber stalking our friends back in the states. The band was offered its first show at West Germany in January.
As our show date got closer, we felt a little uncertain if we wanted to or felt it even necessary to perform. At the last minute we decided to cancel the show, as we weren´t really interested in amending our original intention of having this band as an outlet for having fun with each other.
But alas, the show date loomed there, 5 days away, and our friends who hadn´t even heard us were upset that we should cancel. So, Everett´s long-time friend from Estonia, Joel (guitar, vocals) and his roommate, Francesco (drums, vocals) joined the band and within 5 days were able to dress-up 5 songs Skiing had written as a Duo over the previous 3 months. We were ready to perform. We had planned to do just this one show, but we really connected as a trio and played a fantastic show together at West Germany, and we all wanted to continue performing.
We decided to keep on as a trio, while Everett and Dianna still sussed out new songs together from time to time. Dianna moved back to the states, and the band has seen numerous line-up changes since its inception with only Everett keeping the Skiing slopes lit at twilight. Francesco Maria Rovere (IT – Drums, Vocals), Will Gresson (NZ – Drums), Joel Alas (AU – Guitar, Vocals), Theo Rahkun (DE – Drums, Guitar), and Susanna Trotta (IT – Accordian, Vocals), Daniel Boyle (GB-Drums, Guitar, Vocals), Philip Hucknall (Bass, Guitar, Vocals), Nadia Buyse (Drums, Vocals).